Fête de la science, Paris 2018

The Fête de la science is a French scientific mediation event that promotes science to the general public. On this occasion, the researchers from different fields offer exhibitions, conferences, educational workshops, open days in research laboratories and similar events through which they try to increase public awareness of the impact of scientific research and encourage pupils to embark on research careers.

This year, ESR Shouvik Ghorai along with his colleagues at Team QI, LIP6, at Sorbonne Unievsrité, participated in the science festival on helping people decipher the mysteries of quantum information. The team presented three different aspects where quantum methods are superior to the classical counterpart.

The event was held on 12th October 2018 specifically for school students while the event on 13th October 2018 was open to the general public. The program included visits in our experimental laboratory in addition to explanations supported by whiteboard and poster presentations.


The link (in French) describing the event at Sorbonne Université can found here: Fete de la Sciences, Sorbonne Universite 

We provided an overview of the classical cryptographers dining problem (anonymous transmission), its quantum analog and how the use of quantum strategy help us strengthen the security of this task.

We gave a pedagogical explanation of the concept of contextuality – a key resource for demonstrating a quantum advantage – based on an analogy with polarizers and the Penrose triangle.

We presented the famous quantum key distribution protocol, the so-called BB84, explaining that quantum cryptography enables unconditionally secure message exchange together with the idea of the one-time pad.
