Journal papers, published/accepted
- K. Tamaki, H.-K. Lo, A. Mizutani, G. Kato, C. C. W. Lim, K. Azuma, M. Curty, Security of quantum key distribution with iterative sifting, Quantum Science and Technology 3, 014002 (2017).
- N. Lo Piparo, M. Razavi, and W. J. Munro, Memory-assisted quantum key distribution with a single nitrogen-vacancy center, Phys. Rev. A 96, 052313 (2017)
- G. L. Roberts, M. Lucamarini, Z. L. Yuan, J. F. Dynes, L. C. Comandar, A. W. Sharpe, A. J. Shields, M. Curty, I. V. Puthoor, E. Andersson, Experimental measurement-device-independent quantum digital signatures, Nature Communications 8, 1098 (2017).
- H.-L. Yin, W.-L. Wang, Y.-L. Tang, Q. Zhao, H. Liu, X.-X. Sun, W.-J. Zhang, H. Li, I. V. Puthoor, L.-X. You, E. Andersson, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Jiang, X. Ma, Q. Zhang, M. Curty, T.-Y. Chen, J.-W. Pan, Experimental measurement-device-independent quantum digital signatures over a metropolitan network, Phys. Rev. A 95, 042338 (2017).
- Cyril Laplane, Pierre Jobez, Jean Etesse, Nicolas Gisin, and Mikael Afzelius, Multimode and Long-Lived Quantum Correlations Between Photons and Spins in a Crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 210501 (2017).
- G. L. Roberts, M. Pittaluga, M. Minder, M. Lucamarini, J. F. Dynes, Z. L. Yuan, A. J. Shields, Patterning-effect-free intensity modulator for secure decoy-state quantum key distribution, Opt. Lett. 43, 5110-5113 (2018); arXiv:1807.07414.
- Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro, Jean Etesse, Alexey Tiranov, Pierre-Antoine Bourdel, Florian Fröwis, Philippe Goldner, Nicolas Gisin, and Mikael Afzelius, Characterization of the hyperfine interaction of the excited 5D0 state of Eu3+:Y2SiO5, Phys. Rev. B 97, 094416 (2018)
- A Tiranov, A Ortu, S Welinski, A Ferrier, P Goldner, N Gisin, M Afzelius, Spectroscopic study of hyperfine properties in 171Yb3+:Y2SiO5, Phys. Rev. B 98, 195110 (2018); arXiv:1712.08616v1.
- F Grasselli, Hermann Kampermann, D Bruß, Finite-key effects in multi-partite quantum key distribution protocols, New Journal of Physics 20, 113014 (2018); arXiv:1807.04472
- A. Boaron, G. Boso, D. Rusca, C. Vulliez, C. Autebert, M. Caloz, M. Perrenoud, G. Gras, F. Bussières, M.-J. Li, D. Nolan, A. Martin, H. Zbinden, Secure quantum key distribution over 421 km of optical fiber, Physical Review Letters 121 (19), 190502 (2018); arXiv:1807.03222.
- D. Rusca, A. Boaron, M. Curty, A. Martin, H. Zbinden, “Security proof for a simplified BB84-like QKD protocol”, Physical Review A 98, 052336 (2018); arXiv:1808.08259.
- A. Ortu, A. Tiranov, S. Welinski, F. Fröwis, N. Gisin, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, and M. Afzelius, Simultaneous coherence enhancement of optical and microwave transitions in solid-state electronic spins, Nature Materials 17, 671–675 (2018).
- F. Grünenfelder, A. Boaron, D. Rusca, A. Martin, and H. Zbinden, Simple and high-speed polarization-based QKD, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 (5), 051108 (2018).
- D. Rusca, A. Boaron, F. Grünenfelder, A. Martin, and H. Zbinden, Finite-key analysis for the 1-decoy state QKD protocol, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 171104 (2018).
- A. Boaron, B. Korzh, R. Houlmann, G. Boso, D. Rusca, S. Gray, M.-J. Li, D. Nolan, A. Martin, and H. Zbinden, Simple 2.5 GHz time-bin quantum key distribution, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 171108 (2018).
- Á. Navarrete, W. Wang, F. Xu, and M. Curty, Characterizing multi-photon quantum interference with practical light sources and threshold single-photon detectors, New J. Phys. 20, 043018 (2018).
- N. Lo Piparo, N. Sinclair and M. Razavi, Memory-assisted quantum key distribution resilient against multiple-excitation effects, Quantum Science and Technology 3, 014009 (2018).
- W. Wang, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Finite-key security analysis for quantum key distribution with leaky sources”, New J. Phys. 20, 083027 (2018).
- M. Pereira, M. Curty and K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with flawed and leaky sources”, npj Quantum Information 5, 62 (2019)
- F. Grasselli and M. Curty “Practical decoy-state method for twin-field quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 21, 073001 (2019).
- Minder, M.; Pittaluga, Mirko; Roberts, George Lloyd; Lucamarini, M.; Dynes, J. F.; Yuan, Z. L.; Shields, A. J. (2019): Experimental quantum key distribution beyond the repeaterless secret key capacity. In Nature Photon. DOI: 10.1038/s41566-019-0377-7.
- Thomas Roger, Taofiq K. Paraïso, Innocenzo De Marco, Davide G. Marangon, Zhiliang Yuan, and Andrew J. Shields, “Real-time interferometric quantum random number generation on chip,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, B137-B142 (2019)
- T. K. Paraïso, I. De Marco, T. Roger, D. G. Marangon, J. F. Dynes, M. Lucamarini, Z. L. Yuan, and A. J. Shields. “A Modulator-Free Quantum Key Distribution Transmitter Chip.” npj Quantum Information 5, Article number: 42 (2019)
- F Grasselli, Á Navarrete and M Curty. “Asymmetric twin-field quantum key distribution”, New J. Phys. 21, 113032 (2019)
- F Grasselli, H Kampermann and D Bruß. “Conference key agreement with single-photon interference”, New J. Phys. 21 123002 (2019)
- R. Trényi, K. Azuma and M. Curty, “Beating the repeaterless bound with adaptive measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution”, New J. Phys. 21, 113052 (2019)
- C. Liorni, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, “Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence” (2019) , New Journal of Physics 21(9):093055 (2019)
- S Ghorai, Ph Grangier, E Diamanti, and A Leverrier, Asymptotic Security of Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution with a Discrete Modulation, Phys. Rev. X 9, 021059 (2019)
- S Ghorai, E Diamanti, and ALeverrier, Composable security of two-way continuous-variable quantum key distribution without active symmetrization, Phys. Rev. A 99, 012311 (2019)
- J. Djeylan Aktas, S. Wengerowsky,M. Lončarić, S Philipp Neumann, B, Liu, T Scheidl, G Currás Lorenzo, Ž. Samec, L Kling, A Qiu, M. Razavi, M Stipčević, J. G. Rarityand R Ursin, “A trusted node–free eight-user metropolitan quantum communication network”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 36, eaba0959, (2020)
- W. Wang, K. Tamaki, M. Curty. “Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with leaky sources”, Scientific Reports volume 11, 1678 (2021)
- M. Businger, A. Tiranov, K. T. Kaczmarek, S. Welinski, Z. Zhang, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, M. Afzelius, “Optical Spin-Wave Storage in a Solid-State Hybridized Electron-Nuclear Spin Ensemble”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053606, (2020)
- L. Tendick, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, “Activation of Nonlocality in Bound Entanglement”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 050401 (2020)
- Wei Li, Víctor Zapatero, Hao Tan, Kejin Wei, Hao Min, Wei-Yue Liu, Xiao Jiang, Sheng-Kai Liao, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Marcos Curty, Feihu Xu, Jian-Wei Pan, “Experimental Quantum Key Distribution Secure Against Malicious Devices”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034081 (2021)
- Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo, Álvaro Navarrete, Koji Azuma, Go Kato, Marcos Curty, Mohsen Razavi, “Tight finite-key security for twin-field quantum key distribution”, npj Quantum Information volume 7, Article number: 22 (2021)
- Claire Autebert, Gaëtan Gras, Emna Amri, Matthieu Perrenoud, Misael Caloz, H. Zbinden, F. Bussières, “Direct measurement of the recovery time of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors”, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 074504 (2020)
- F. Grünenfelder, A. Boaron, D. Rusca, A. Martin, H. Zbinden, “Performance and security of 5 GHz repetition rate polarization-based quantum key distribution”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 144003 (2020)
- J. González-Payo, R, Trényi, Weilong Wang, M. Curty, “Upper Security Bounds for Coherent-One-Way Quantum Key Distribution”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 260510 (2020)
- Álvaro Navarrete, M. Pereira, M. Curty, K Tamaki, “Practical Quantum Key Distribution That is Secure Against Side Channels”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034072 (2021)
- G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, Finite-key analysis for memory-assisted decoy-state quantum key distribution, New J. Phys. 22 103005 (2020)
- G. Murta, F. Grasselli, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, “Quantum Conference Key Agreement: A Review”, Advancing Quantum Technologies – Chances and Challenges, (2020)
- Gaëtan Gras, Davide Rusca, Hugo Zbinden, Félix Bussières, “Countermeasure Against Quantum Hacking Using Detection Statistics”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034052 (2021)
- Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo, Lewis Wooltorton, Mohsen Razavi, “Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution with Fully Discrete Phase Randomization”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 014016 (2021)
- M Pereira, Go Kato, Akihiro Mizutani, M Curty, Kiyoshi Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with correlated sources”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 37 (2020)
- Marco Avesani, Hamid Tebyanian, Paolo Villoresi, Giuseppe Vallone, “Semi-Device-Independent Heterodyne-based Quantum Random Number Generator”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034034 (2021)
- R. I Woodward, Y. S. Lo, M Pittaluga, M Minder, T.K. Paraïso, M Lucamarini, “Gigahertz measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution using directly modulated lasers”. npj Quantum Inf 7 (1) (2021)
- G. Gras, N. Sultana, A. Huang, F. Bussières, V. Makarov and H. Zbinden, “Optical control of single-photon negative-feedback avalanche diode detector”, J. App. Phys., vol. 127, 094502, 2020.
- G. Gras, A. Martin, J. W. Choi and F. Bussières, “Quantum entropy model of an integrated Quantum-Random-Number-Generator chip”, Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 15, 054048, 2021.
- M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, G. Foletto, C. Agnesi, F. Picciariello, F. B. L. Santagiustina, A. Scriminich, A. Stanco, F. Vedovato, M. Zahidy, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi, “Resource-effective quantum key distribution: a field trial in Padua city center”,Optics Letters Vol. 46, Issue 12, pp. 2848-2851 (2021)
- G Foletto, M Padovan, M Avesani, H Tebyanian, P Villoresi, and G Vallone., “Experimental test of sequential weak measurements for certified quantum randomness extraction”, Phys. Rev. A 103, 062206 (2021)
- Ilaria Vagniluca, Beatrice Da Lio, D Rusca, Daniele Cozzolino, Yunhong Ding, Hugo Zbinden, Alessandro Zavatta, Leif K Oxenløwe, Davide Bacco, “Efficient time-bin encoding for practical high-dimensional quantum key distribution” Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014051 (2020)
- Nicolò Leone, Davide Rusca, Stefano Azzini, Giorgio Fontana, Fabio Acerbi, Alberto Gola, Alessandro Tontini, Nicola Massari, Hugo Zbinden, Lorenzo Pavesi, “An optical chip for self-testing quantum random number generation” APL Photonics 5, 101301 (2020)
- F. Grasselli, G. Murta, H. Kampermann, and D. Bruß, “Entropy bounds for multiparty device-independent cryptography”, PRX Quantum, vol. 2, p. 010308, (2021)
- C Liorni, H Kampermann, D Bruß, “Quantum repeaters in space”, New J. Phys. 23 053021 (2021)
- J Etesse, A Holzäpfel, A Ortu, M Afzelius, Optical and spin manipulation of non-Kramers rare-earth ions in a weak magnetic field for quantum memory applications, Physical Review A 103 (2), 022618 (2021)
- Jing and M. Razavi, Simple efficient decoders for quantum key distribution over quantum repeaters with encoding, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 044027 (2021)
- A. Vázquez-Castro, D. Rusca, and H. Zbinden, “Quantum Keyless Private Communication Versus Quantum Key Distribution for Space Links”, Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 014006 (2021)
- D. Rusca, T. van Himbeeck, A. Martin, J. Bohr Brask, W. Shi, St. Pironio, N. Brunner, H. Zbinden, “Self-testing quantum random-number generator based on an energy bound”, Phys. Rev. A 100, 062338 (2019)
- Xiaoqing Zhong, Jianyong Hu, Marcos Curty, Li Qian, and Hoi-Kwong Lo, “Proof-of-Principle Experimental Demonstration of Twin-Field Type Quantum Key Distribution”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 100506 (2019)
- M. Curty, K. Azuma, H.-K. Lo, “Simple security proof of twin-field type quantum key distribution protocol”, npj Quantum Information volume 5, Article number: 64 (2019)
- S. Bahrani, O Elmabrok, G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, “Wavelength Assignment in Quantum Access Networks with Hybrid Wireless-Fiber Links”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, B99-B108 (2019)
- C Agnesi, M Avesani, L Calderaro, A Stanco, G Foletto, M Zahidy, A Scriminich, F Vedovato, G Vallone, P Villoresi “Simple Quantum Key Distribution with qubit-based synchronization and a self-compensating polarization encoder”, Optica 7, 284-290 (2020)
- S. Pirandola, U. L. Andersen, L. Banchi, M. Berta, D. Bunandar, R. Colbeck, D. Englund, T. Gehring, C. Lupo, C. Ottaviani, J. L. Pereira, M. Razavi, J. Shamsul Shaari, M. Tomamichel, V. C. Usenko, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, P. Wallden, “Advances in quantum cryptography”, Adv. Opt. Photon. 12, 1012-1236 (2020)
- G. Currás-Lorenzo, Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira and K. Tamaki, “Finite-key analysis of loss-tolerant quantum key distribution based on random sampling theory”, Phys. Rev. A 104, 012406 (2021)
- R. Trényi and N. Lütkenhaus, “Beating direct transmission bounds for quantum key distribution with a multiple quantum memory station ”, Phys. Rev. A 101, 012325 (2020)
- M Proietti, J Ho, F Grasselli, P Barrow, M Malik A Fedrizz, “Experimental quantum conference key agreement”. Science Advances, Vol. 7, no. 23, eabe0395 (2021)
- Y. Jing, D. Alsina, and M. Razavi, “Quantum Key Distribution Over Quantum Repeaters with Encoding: Using Error Detection as an Effective Postselection Tool”, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 064037 (2020)
- D. Rusca, H. Tebyanian, A. Martin, and H. Zbinden , “Fast self-testing quantum random number generator based on homodyne detection”, Applied Physics Letters 116, 264004 (2020)
- A.Huang, Ál. Navarrete, Shi-Hai Sun, P. Chaiwongkhot, M. Curty, and V. Makarov. “Laser-Seeding Attack in Quantum Key Distribution”, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 064043 (2019)
Journal papers, under review
- M. Curty and H. K. Lo, Foiling covert channels and malicious classical post-processing units in quantum key distribution, submitted to npj Quantum Information., available as preprint at arXiv:1711.08724.
- A. Mizutani, G. Kato, K. Azuma, M. Curty, R. Ikuta, T. Yamamoto, N. Imoto, H.-K. Lo, K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with setting-choice-independently correlated light sources”, submitted to npj Quantum Information (2018), available as preprint arXiv:1803.09484.
- C. Li, M. Curty, F. Xu, O. Bedroya, H.-K. Lo, “Secure quantum communication in the presence of phase and polarization dependent loss”, submitted to PRA (2018), available as preprint arXiv:1807.04377 (2018).
- M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, G. Contestabile, M. Chiesa, D. Rotta, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi “Full daylight quantum-key distribution at 1550 nm enabled by integrated silicon photonics” arXiv:1907.10039
- C Clivati, A Meda, S Donadello, S Virzì, M Genovese, L Marco, M AFilippo, M Pittaluga, Z.L Yuan, A .J. Shields, M Lucamarini, I.P. Degiovanni, D Calonico, ” Coherent phase transfer for real-world twin-field quantum key distribution”
- M Pittaluga, M Minder, M Lucamarini, M Sanzaro, R.I. Woodward, M.J. Li, “600 km repeater-like quantum communications with dual-band stabilisation” In press at Nature Photonics
- N. Vyas, R. Alleaume, “Everlasting Secure Key Agreement with performance beyond QKD in a Quantum Computational Hybrid security model”, arXiv:2004.10173
- H. Tebyanian, M Zahidy, M Avesani, A Stanco, P Villoresi, G Vallone, “Practical Semi-Device Independent Randomness Generation Based on Quantum State’s Indistinguishibility”arXiv:2104.11137.
- H. Tebyanian, M. Avesani, and G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, “Semi-device independent randomness from d-outcome continuous variable detection” (2020),
08897 - M. Avesani, H. Tebyanian, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone, “Unbounded randomness from uncharacterized sources,” (2020),
- R. Trényi and M. Curty, “Zero-error attack against coherent-one-way quantum key distribution” submitted to Quantum, preprint arXiv:2101.07192 (2021)
Conference Presentations
- N Vyas, Hybrid quantum cryptography: everlasting security with performances beyond QKD, Journées Informatique Quantique, Bordeaux, France (2017)
- D. Rusca, G Gras, A Boaron, J Brask, A Martin, N Brunner and H Zbinden, Recent developments in Quantum Key Distribution and Random Number Generation, 7th NCCR QSIT Winter School & 8th NCCR QSIT General Meeting, Arosa (2018)
- A Ortu, Broadband Raman heterodyne spectroscopy of Rare Earth-doped crystals, NCCR QSIT Junior Meeting, Passugg (2017)
- G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, Finite-key analysis for memory-assisted quantum key distribution, 24th Young Atom Opticians Conference, Glasgow, UK (2018).
- S. Bahrani, O Elmabrok, G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, Finite-Key Effects in Quantum Access Networks with Wireless links, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Workshops: Quantum Communications and Information Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2018).
- M. Pereira, M. Curty and K. Tamaki “Loss-tolerant cryptography with leaky sources” at IV Workshop do
Programa de Doutoramento Interuniversitario en Láser, Fotónica e Visión, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
(2018). - C. Liorni, H. Kampermann and D. Bruss, Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence, DPG Spring meeting, Rostock 10-15.03.19
- M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, A. Stanco, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, G. Contestabile, M. Chiesa, A. Nottola, D. Rotta, S. Tirelli, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, D. Dequal, G. Bianco, C. Facchinetti, A. Tuozzi, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi – A chip based
prototype for daylight free-space QKD at telecom wavelength for future satellite optical payloads – 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), Montreal, Canada (2019) - A. Ortu, J. Etesse, M. Afzelius, A solid state quantum memory for quantum repeaters, QCALL ESR conference 2019, Mondello, Italy
- A. Ortu, J. Etesse, M. Afzelius, Eu:YSO as a quantum memory for quantum repeaters, Rare Earth Ion Workshop 2019, Grenoble, France
- M. Pittaluga, M. Minder, G. L. Roberts, M. Lucamarini, J. F. Dynes, Z. Yuan, A. J. Shields, Experimental twin-field quantum key distribution beyond the repeaterless secret key capacity bound – 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Montreal, Canada (2019) * the best experimental student award
- Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, A. Stanco, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, G. Contestabile, M. Chiesa, A. Nottola, D. Rotta, S. Tirelli, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, D. Dequal, G. Bianco, C. Facchinetti, A. Tuozzi, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi– A chip based prototype for daylight free-space QKD at telecom wavelength for future satellite optical payloads – 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), Montreal, Canada (2019)
- Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, M. Chiesa, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi; QCoSOne: a chip-based prototype for daylight free-space QKD at telecom wavelength, FIO – OSA Frontiers in Optics, 2019
- M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, M. Chiesa, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi; Silicon photonics-based experimental daylight free-space quantum key distribution at telecom wavelength, SPIE Photonics West – San Francisco, California, United States, Feb 1-6, 2020
- M Pittaluga, “Dual-band phase stabilization technique for phase-sensitive quantum communications”, QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications, May 2021, Virtual
- M Pittaluga “Long distance Quantum Key Distribution over GÉANT fibre network”, 17/03/21 – GÉANT infoshare meeting, Virtual
- M Pittaluga, “Experimental repeater-like quantum communications over 600 km of optical fibre with dual-band phase stabilisation”, QCrypt 2021, Aug 2021, Virtual
- Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Practical quantum key distribution secure against side channels” at Security Proofs in QKD Workshop, virtual event organised by the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto (2020)
- M. Pereira, G. Kato, A. Mizutani, M. Curty and K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with correlated sources” at the 10th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), virtual event (2020)
- Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Bridging the gap between theory and practice of quantum key distribution”, QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications, (2021)
- G. Currás-Lorenzo, Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira and K. Tamaki, “Finite-key analysis of loss-tolerant quantum key distribution based on random sampling theory”, 11th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), (2021)
- G. Gras, D. Rusca, H. Zbinden and F. Bussières, “Bounding the information leakage in quantum hacking photon statistics”, QCALL Early-Stage Researchers Conference, 2019
- G. Gras, D. Rusca, H. Zbinden and F. Bussières, “Countermeasure against quantum hacking using detection statistics”, QCALL Final Symposium, 2021
- M Avesani, LCalderaro, M Schiavon, A Stanco, C Agnesi, Ao Santamato, M Zahidy, A Scriminich, G Foletto, M Chiesa, M Artiglia, A Montanaro, M Romagnoli, V Sorianello, F Vedovato, G Vallone, P Villoresi “Silicon photonics-based experimental daylight free-space quantum key distribution at telecom wavelength” , Advanced Optical Techniques for Quantum Information, Sensing, and Metrology, 4-5 February 2020
- C Agnesi, L Calderaro, M Avesani, A Stanco, G Foletto, M Zahidy, A Scriminich, F Vedovato, G Vallone, P Villoresi , “Simple and robust QKD system with Qubit4Sync temporal synchronization and the POGNAC polarization encoder”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 6-11 June 2021
- C. Liorni, H. Kampermann and D. Bruss, Satellite- vs ground-based quantum networks
and the role of quantum repeaters, QCall ESR conference, Mondello 16-19.09.19 - C. Liorni, H. Kampermann and D. Bruss, Intercontinental communication through space-borne quantum repeaters, QCall final symposium, Online conference 3-5.05.21
- Ortu, A. Tiranov, E. Zambrini Cruzeiro, N. Gisin, and M. Afzelius, Broadband Raman heterodyne spectroscopy of Rare Earth-doped crystals, QSIT Junior meeting 2017, Passugg, Switzerland
- Ortu, A. Tiranov, S. Welinski, F. Fröwis, N. Gisin, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, and M. Afzelius, Simultaneous coherence enhancement of optical and microwave transitions in solid-state electronic spins, Annual meeting of the Swiss Physical Society 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Ortu, J. Etesse, M. Afzelius, Eu:YSO as a quantum memory for quantum repeaters, Rare Earth Ion Workshop 2019, Grenoble, France
- Currás-Lorenzo, A. Navarrete, K. Azuma, G. Kato, M. Curty, and M. Razavi, “Tight finite-key security for twin-field quantum key distribution”, 3rd Workshop on Security Proofs in QKD, Online event organised by U of Waterloo and U of Toronto (2020)
- Currás-Lorenzo, A. Navarrete, M. Pereira, and K. Tamaki, “Using random sampling theory to prove the finite-key security of non-standard QKD protocols”, QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications, (2021)
- T Roger, T K. Paraiso, I De Marco, D G. Marangon, Z Yuan, and A J. Shields. “Real-time interferometric quantum random number generation on chip“. CLEO 2019, San Jose, CA (USA), 2019.
- I De Marco, T K. Paraiso, T Roger, D G. Marangon, J F. Dynes, M Lucamarini, ZYuan, and A J. Shields. “Integrated photonic technologies for quantum communications”. QCALL Early-Stage Researchers Conference, Palermo (Italy), 2019.
- I De Marco, TK. Paraiso, T Roger, D G. Marangon, J F. Dynes, M Lucamarini, Z Yuan, and A J. Shields. “Integrated photonic technologies for quantum communications”. QCALL Final Symposium , 2021
- R. Trényi, M. Curty, “The asymptotic performance of coherent-one-way quantum key distribution”, to the conference QCrypt 2021
- R. Trényi, M. Curty, “Performance of the coherent-one-way quantum key distribution protocol”, at QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications , 3-5 May 2021.
- S Ghorai, “Asymptotic Security of Continuous-Variable QKD with a Discrete Modulation”,QCALL Early-Stage Researchers Conference, Palermo (Italy), 2019
- D Rusca, “Fast and practical quantum key distribution”. QCALL Final Symposium , 2021
- S Ghorai, “Continuous-Variable Quantum Money with Classical Verification”, QCALL Final Symposium , 2021
- Grasselli, G. Murta, H. Kampermann, and D. Bruß, “Entropic bounds for multiparty device-independent cryptography”, ML4Q virtual conference, 24-26 February 2021
- Grasselli, G. Murta, H. Kampermann, and D. Bruß, “Entropy bounds for multipartite device-independent cryptography”, QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications , 3-5 May 2021
- H Tebyanian, M Zahidy, M Avesani, A Stanco, P Villoresi, G Vallone, Practical semi-self testing randomness generation based on quantum state’s indistinguishability, QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications, May 3-5, 2021 — Online.
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-device independent randomness from d-outcome continuous-variable detection, 20th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, December 7-9, 2020 — Sydney, Australia.
- M Avesani, H Tebyanian, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-device independent randomness from d-outcome continuous-variable detection, 20th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, December 7-9, 2020 — Sydney, Australia.
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-DI QRNG, QCALL ESR Conference 2019, Mondello, Sicily, September 16-19, 2019.
- M Avesani, H Tebyanian, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and hetero- dyne detection, International Workshop for Young Researchers on the Future of Quantum Science and Technology, February 3-6, 2020 — Tokyo, Japan.
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and heterodyne detection, Quantum Technology International Conference-QTech, November 2020.
- D Rusca, H Tebyanian, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Fast self-testing Quantum Random Number Generator based on homodyne detection.
- M Avesani, H Tebyanian, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and hetero- dyne detection, Frontiers in Optics(FiO), Technical Conference & Virtual Exhibits, 14 – 17 September 2020.
- A Ortu, A Tiranov, E Zambrini Cruzeiro, N Gisin and M Afzelius, Broadband Raman heterodyne spectroscopy of Rare Earth-doped crystals, NCCR QSIT Junior Meeting, Passugg (2017)
- G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, Finite-key analysis for memory-assisted quantum key distribution, International Conference on Challenges in Quantum Information Science, Tokyo, Japan (2018)
- G Currás Lorenzo and M Razavi, Finite-key analysis for memory-assisted decoy-state quantum key distribution, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- [34] D. Rusca, A Boaron, F Grünenfelder, A Martin and H Zbinden. The 1-decoy state protocol: the best choice for practical QKD, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- Y Jing, Resource analysis of future quantum repeater networks, 24th Young Atom Opticians Conference, Glasgow, UK (2018)
- Y Jing and M Razavi, Resource analysis of future quantum repeater networks, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- F Grasselli, Hermann Kampermann and D Bruss, Finite-key effects in multi-partite quantum key distribution protocols, DPG Spring Meeting, Erlangen, Germany (2018) and 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- G Roberts, M Pittaluga, M Minder, J F. Dynes, Z Yuan, M Lucamarini and A J. Shields, Patterning-effect-free intensity modulator for decoy-state quantum key distribution, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- M Pereira, M Curty and K Tamaki, Loss-tolerant quantum cryptography with leaky sources, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- C Liorni, Hermann Kampermann and D Bruß, Satellite-based quantum links for QKD: beam effects and weather dependence, DPG Spring Meeting, Erlangen, Germany (2018) and 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- N Vyas and R Alléaume, Quantum Computational Hybrid Cryptography, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China (2018)
- A Ortu, A Tiranov, S Welinski, F Fröwis, A Ferrier, P Goldner, N Gisin, and M Afzelius, Simultaneous coherence enhancement of optical and microwave transitions in solid-state electronic spins, 7th NCCR QSIT Winter School & 8th NCCR QSIT General Meeting, Arosa (2018)
- M. Pereira, M. Curty and K. Tamaki, “Finite-key security analysis of quantum key distribution with
flawed and leaky sources” at the 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt),
Montreal, Canada (2019) - Currás Lorenzo, A. Navarrete, K. Azuma, M. Curty and M. Razavi, Tight finite-key security for twin-field quantum key distribution, Int. Conf. on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), Montreal, Canada (2019)
- Trényi, K. Azuma, M. Curty, Beating the repeaterless bound with adaptive measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution, 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Montreal, Canada, 2019 (QCrypt 2019)
- C. Liorni, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß,”Satellite- vs Ground-based quantum networks and the role of quantum repeaters”, QCrypt 2019 International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Montreal, Canada
- Mujtaba Zahidy, Matteo Schiavon, Marco Avesani, Alberto Santamato, Andrea Stanco, Luca Calderaro, Costantino Agnesi, Francesco Vedovato, Giuseppe Vallone, Paolo Villoresi – Terrestrial free space daylight QKD at 100MHz – European Quantum Technologies Conference, Grenoble, France (2019)
- Y Jing, Daniel Alsina Leal and M. Razavi Quantum key distribution over quantum repeaters with repetition code, 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Montreal, Canada (2019)
- G. Gras, D. Rusca, H. Zbinden and F. Bussières, Bounding the information leakage in quantum hacking using photon statistics, QCrypt, Montréal, Canada (2019)
- A. Ortu, A. Tiranov, S. Welinski, F. Fröwis, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, N. Gisin, and M. Afzelius, Simultaneous coherence enhancement of optical and microwave transitions in solid-state electronic spins, School of Quantum Secure Communications, Baiona, Spain
- A. Ortu, A. Tiranov, S. Welinski, F. Fröwis, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, N. Gisin, and M. Afzelius, Simultaneous coherence enhancement of optical and microwave transitions in solid-state electronic spins, School of Quantum Communication Networks, Padua, Italy
- A. Ortu, J. Etesse, N. Gisin, and M. Afzelius, Technical improvements towards a Rare Earth ion-based quantum repeater, Rare Earth Ion Workshop 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
- M Schiavon, M Zahidy, M Avesani, A Santamato, A Stanco, L Calderaro, C Agnesi, F Vedovato, G Vallone, P Villoresi; Establishing and characterizing a free space optical link over 10 km, School of Quantum Communications Networks (SQCN), Padova, Italy (2018)
- C. Liorni, H. Kampermann and D. Bruss, Satellite- vs ground-based quantum networks
and the role of quantum repeaters, QCrypt2019, Montreal 26-30.08.19 - C. Liorni, H. Kampermann and D. Bruss, Quantum repeaters in space, QCrypt2020, Online conference 10-14.08.20
- Ortu, J. Etesse, N. Gisin, and M. Afzelius, Technical improvements towards a Rare Earth ion-based quantum repeater, Rare Earth Ion Workshop 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
- G. Currás-Lorenzo, L. Wooltorton, M. Razavi, “Twin-field quantum key distribution with discrete phase randomization”, 10th Int. Conf. on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt), Online (2020)
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-device independent randomness from d-outcome continuous-variable detection, YQIS 2021
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent quantum random number generation, QID 2021
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the energy bound, QIP 2021
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and heterodyne detection, QCrypt 2020, online conference.
- H Tebyanian, M Avesani, G Vallone, P Villoresi, QRNG based on energy bound, QCRYPT2019 Montreal, Canada, 26–30 August 2019.
Invited talks by QCALL supervisors (partial list)
- E. Diamanti, Quantum cryptography using practical photonic systems, Invited talk at the COST Nanoscale Quantum Optics Early Stage Researcher Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, Oct 2017.
- M. Razavi, From theory to practice: What it takes for quantum repeaters to prove useful? invited paper, 2nd Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks, Seefeld, Austria, Sept 2017.
- E. Diamanti, Continuous-variable quantum cryptography on silicon, Invited talk at the International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics, Rome, Italy, Sept 2017.
- E. Diamanti, Practical secure quantum communications, Invited talk at the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2017.
- E. Diamanti, Practical secure quantum communications, Invited talk at the OSA Quantum Information and Measurement IV: Quantum Technologies Conference, Paris, France, April 2017.
- D. Bruss, Quantum cryptography, Invited Talk at International Workshop on Secure Communication via Quantum Channels, ZiF Bielefeld, Germany, April 2017.
- D. Bruss, Large-scale quantum networks based on graphs, Invited Talk at 31. Umbrella Symposium on Quantum Information and Technology, RWTH Aachen, Germany, July 2017.
- D. Bruss, Multi-partite entanglement can speed up quantum key distribution in networks, Invited talk at International Symposium on New Frontiers in Quantum Correlations, Kolkata, India, January 2018.
- R. Alléaume, Can We Accelerate Quantum Cryptography Take-Off ? Invited talk at the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO) Industry Session, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2017.
- R. Alléaume, Quantum Technologies: Impact on Cybersecurity, Invited Talk at the Cisco – Polytechnique Annual Symposium, Paris, France – April 9-10 2018
- R. Alléaume, Quantum Cryptography at the Computational Frontier, Invited talk at the Workshop « The Quantum Internet, Charting the Critical Path , Toronto, Canada, June 21-23 2018.