Host Institute: University of Padova
Project Supervisor: Dr Giuseppe Vallone
ESR: Hamid Tebyanian
Starting date: October 2017
Duration: 3 years
Project Description
This project concerns the study of random number generators based on self-testing quantum processes. The randomness of keys and seeds is a crucial ingredient in current secure communications, as demonstrated by the fact that several known wide-scale attacks were directed at the generators of random numbers. This project aims at the development of device-independent schemes in quantum optics and the experimental implementation of the related protocols that generate random numbers using quantum measurements on a system with one or more degrees of freedom. The subjects to study in this project are quantum information theory, which provides the means for the quantitative assessment of genuine randomness in a measurement process; experimental quantum optics, which allows implementing the protocols; and the numerical methods for the tests on the quality of the generated random series. The project also includes the study of the international standards for random number generators and the associated verification methods.
Project Outcomes
To be updated.