QCALL Final Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications

The EU-funded QCALL network is delighted to organise its final scientific event in the form of an online Symposium on Advances in Quantum Communications from 3 to 5 May 2021. We have arranged a series of exciting talks by world-leading experts in the field, panelists from industry, as well as emerging stars in our community to have three afternoons of talks and discussion on the latest developments in the field. The talks will be presented online and will be available for free upon registration. The core of the event takes place between 2pm to 6pm Central European Time to allow participants from all over the world to take part and engage in fruitful discussions.



There will be six scientific sessions, plus an industry panel, on novel techniques for QKD, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives; transition to long-distance quantum communications via satellites and quantum repeater structures; as well as device-independent QKD and quantum random number generators. Our industry panelists share their experience with start-up companies as recent graduates in our field.

In addition to our 24 invited speakers, we welcome contributions from other participants by offering them a platform to discuss their work with their peers. If you wish to have a dedicated breakout room to discuss your work, you can specify that on the registration form, or let the organisers know about it during the event. We have set aside two evenings of free discussions for this matter on the programme.


Registration Form (Deadline: 29 April 2021)
Invited Speakers
Programme / Full Abstracts / Booklet
Organising and Technical Programme Committee
Eleni Diamanti, CNRS and Sorbonne University (Chair)
Dagmar Bruß, University of Dusseldorf
Romain Alleaume, Telecom Paris
Félix Bussières, ID Quantique
Mohsen Razavi, University of Leeds
Federico Grasselli, University of Dusseldorf
Gaëtan Gras, ID Qunatique
Hamid Tebyanian, University of Padova

Contact: qfs(at)qcall.uvigo.es