All posts by Davide Rusca

Complementary Skill Workshop II: Let’s talk about Science

Let’s talk about science, on 17 Septemebr 2018, was an opportunity for  QCALL ESRs  to improve their scientific communication skills. The workshop was offered by Dr. Debbie Radtke and Knut Hannemann from the University of Düsseldorf.

IMAGE 2018-10-16 14_03_22

The workshop was structured in two different sessions: a theoretical one, where the two presenters explained the ESRs how to address different kinds of audiences, and one more practical, where the researchers were asked to give small presentations and writing poster abstracts, applying the guidelines just learned.

During the soft skills training different topics were covered. It was shown to the ESRs how to structure  a scientific presentation effectively to create an impactful and clear message, depending on the different backgrounds of the audience. The ESRs learned also how to structure a poster/paper abstract: it was shown how to summarise the content of a paper where the results are well contextualized and easily understood.

IMAGE 2018-10-16 14_03_08

After this theoretical introduction, the researchers were asked to put into practice all the techniques learned, by giving a few minutes presentation. Each exercise was followed by a small session of comments gave by the two instructors as well as the rest of the group.

The workshop was well appreciated by all participants. ESRs found it extremely useful to improve their communication skills and to have the opportunity to receive feedback from the experts in this field.