- Nationality: Italian
- Project: High Speed Measurement Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution
- Host Institute: Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge, UK
- Project Supervisor: Dr Andrew Shields
- University Affiliation: Leeds University, Leeds, UK
- Academic Supervisor: Dr Mohsen Razavi
- Email:
Short Bio
I was born and grew up in Vicenza, Italy.
I got my Master in Physics in September 2013 with a thesis on the deployment of artificial neural networks for signals discrimination in a Nuclear Physics experiment.
Between 2013 and 2014 I took a gap year, and in September 2014 I started a Master in Physics (experimental curriculum).
In December 2016 I graduated with mark 110/110 cum laude with a thesis focused on quantum optics and quantum information.
In March 2017 I started working at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, as member of the Marie Curie QCALL ITN Project.
Research Profile
Currently I am working on the experimental implementation of QKD protocols, specifically Twin Field and Measurement Device Independent protocols.
Main Scientific Interests
QKD, Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, AI, Climate Change